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Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy is a condition caused by damage to the developing brain while in the womb or during childbirth. Common symptoms include lack of muscle tone, reflexes, motor control, and coordination. There is no known cure for cerebral palsy, but it is not progressive. Therapeutic interventions focus on preventing complications and helping patients live with daily challenges.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy raises oxygen levels in the brain higher than any other therapy available, stimulating a cascade of positive changes to brain physiology.

Our experienced clinical team is available to help you identify appropriate candidates for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and to answer any additional questions about HBOT or our facilities. You deserve the best – our mission is to achieve patient success through personalized, innovative, and compassionate care that enhances your healing potential. We do so at the lowest possible out-of-pocket cost for your patients, with only one copay and/or less coinsurance than at a hospital-based HBOT program.

How you will benefit from HBOT

  • Increase oxygen levels in the brain

  • Accelerate repair and recovery

  • Enhance neurologic function

  • Repair damaged brain tissue


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